The internet has become an integral part of our lives, and surfing it has become an essential skill in today’s world. The ability to navigate and find information on the internet is not only important for personal use but also for academic and professional purposes. As such, it is no surprise that surfing the internet is a crucial topic covered in the AQA GCSE curriculum.
Social Media and Internet
For that reason, we have prepared some activities that will allow you to talk about your experience surfing the Internet. We have a video, some interactive exercises, and a writing activity, but what do you think if we start with a list of verbs that you will find very useful?
– adjuntar | to attach |
– borrar | to erase/delete |
– buscar | to search/look for |
– colgar | to put up (photos) |
– compartir | to share |
– crear | to create |
– chatear | to chat |
– descargar | to download |
– editar | to edit |
– enviar/mandar | to send |
– funcionar | to work |
– navegar | to surf |
– hacer fotos | to take photos |
– usar/utilizar | to use |
Of course, you will need to conjugate the infinitives to create your sentence:
Ayer colgué las fotos de mis vacaciones en Instagran (Yesterday put up my vacation photos on Instagram).
Me gusta chatear con mis amigos que viven en el extranjero (I like to chat with my friends who live abroad).
A menudo busco información en internet para mis trabajos de la escuela (I often look for information on the internet for my school assignments).
Estoy haciendo algunas fotos con mi móvil/celular (I am taking some photos with my mobile).
Click the link to access more vocabulary about social media, if you are registered as a VIP student.
Surfing the Internet Safely
Another crucial aspect of surfing the internet is understanding how to use social media (las redes sociales). Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become essential for communication and information sharing (compartir información). However, students must be aware of the risks associated with using social media, such as cyberbullying (ciberacoso), misinformation (desinformación), and online predators (ciberdepredadores). They must also understand how to use social media responsibly (usar las redes sociales responsablemente) and protect their privacy (proteger su privacidad) and personal information.
Here you have a video in which Martina and Jaime will give you some tips (consejos) about surfing the internet safely (navegar por internet con seguridad). Do you agree with them?

In the video, we have seen verbs like «ten, cuelga, crea, regístrate, no uses, bloquéalo, cuéntaselo…» Can you recognize which tense is used?
It is imperative! In Spanish, we can use the commands to give advice, but notice that with the imperative affirmative pronouns are placed after and combined with the verb to become only one word, quite often, an accent needs to be added to the verb. Click the link above to learn more about the Spanish Imperative and Commands.
10 tips to surfing the internet: Exercise
In this exercise, you have the 10 tips given by Martina and Jaime. Please, fill in the gaps (rellena los huecos) with the missing words (las palabras que faltan).
Your writing task

You have to watch the video again, write Martina and Jaime’s tips, and rewrite them in the first person present tense like you do to keep yourself safe when surfing the internet. For example, Tengo cuidado con la información personal que comparto.
If you are registered as a VIP student. you can send us the sentences to correct to the email