Today you will have to write a writing essay about a holiday around 150 words. More specifically about the best holiday you ever had «las mejores vacaciones de tu vida». This is one of the three assignments in which the structure task is organized and a perfect opportunity to prove how much Spanish you have learned.

Remember to read the instructions carefully and follow all the instructions they will provide you. Don’t miss anything of which you are asked to do! Before continuing with the activity, you can click on this link to learn some tips about how to do a writing essay.
Write about the best holiday you ever had
Now we are going to work, the instructions are in Spanish, just as they will be in the exam.
El profesor os ha pedido, a todos los estudiantes de la clase, escribir un breve ensayo hablando sobre las mejores vacaciones de vuestra vida. Los tres mejores textos serán publicados en el blog de la escuela.
Debes mencionar:
- Dónde, cuándo y con quién fuiste.
- Cuánto tiempo pasaste allí.
- Indica al menos 3 cosas que hiciste durante esas vacaciones.
- Da una breve descripción de un lugar que viste.
- Explica por qué fueron tan especiales para ti.
Escribe aproximadamente 150 palabras en español. Responde a todos los aspectos de las preguntas.

Click the link to download the worksheet. Write your essay on it. Once you have finished, read again and review everything carefully (if you have used the right tenses, pronouns, prepositions, spelling, and word order…). Finally, if you are registered as a VIP student, send it to us to correct it by email to
More about writing about a holiday in Spanish
To describe your vacation, you will need to use the preterite tense (pretérito indefinido), but it would be great if you also use the imperfect (pretérito imperfect) on occasion.
Click on the link to find more writing tasks to practice.
Increasing your vocabulary on the subject will also greatly help prepare your writing essay about a holiday in Spanish. I’ve included below a vocabulary infographic that will be very useful for you. If you are registered as a VIP member, you will be able to request a pdf copy of the picture and access flashcards and activities with additional vocabulary.